PRODUCT > > > Aquilon RS5
Aquilon RS5
Ref. AQL-RS5
Aquilon RS5 is a mission-critical 4K/8K multi-screen presentation system and videowall processor with 32x 4K inputs and 16x 4K outputs, delivering uncompromising presentation experiences to high-end staging and premium system integration. Aquilon RS5 combines industrial grade reliability, unrivaled ease-of-use, versatile 4K digital connectivity, unmatched real-time 10/12-bit 4:4:4 video processing power, best-in-class image quality and pure 4K60p on each input and output with ultra-low latency. 
4K60p input connectors 32 2K/DL input connectors up to 64
4K60p output connectors 16 Max 4K mixing layers2 12
Max 2K/DL mixing layers 24 4K still image channels 24
Build-to-Order (BTO) Rack units 6

※ 위 사양은 제품등록시 기재된 사양으로 사전 예고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.
주소 : 서울특별시 서초구 양재천로3길 12 키노톤빌딩 (양재동 116-9)
대표전화 : 02-6923-1900 / 1661-4741     Fax : 02-518-1921
Cinema : 02-6923-1990[제품문의]  /  Cinema : 1661-4741[A/S]  /  LED DID : 1661-9568[제품문의 및 A/S]  /  Pro Audio : 02-6923-1964~5[제품문의]  /  audio pro : 1661-9569[A/S]  /  ADVERTISEMENT : 02-6923-1920[문의]
Email : 영상사업부,   디지털솔루션사업부,   오디오사업부,   경영지원부,   시네마 기술 지원부,   광고사업부